Saturday 30 March 2024

Stevie Wonder

 When i choose songs to post on this blog, without a doubt, they are, you guessed it, my favorite songs. This is just the beginning, some in a series of them.

The song " Free" is, ( if you ask me ), a song for all ages and times. Think about everything when you listen this song  . . .


 Can anyone be immune to this song? Do you think how many people you know came into the world just like this: as a " chance" from one night? Maybe we ourselves, who knows? No one will tell us that . . . of course. Another in a series of great songs from the golden age of music . . .

Friday 29 March 2024

Belinda Carlisle

 I think, in fact,  i'm sure, that i can listen to this song several times in a row and not get bored at all! I can't explain it, but i consider this song is  one of those sweet - mystical songs that enter in our ears and mind forever. Such a sweet feeling of some unusual energy . . . 

UB 40

 He has that special color in his voice. Always, but always when i listen to him, i think "this is a black guy". Yeah, i've always wondered how this guy sounds like he was born with a completely different skin color? Enjoy all of you . . . simply - unreal!

The Communards

 The boys were great! The song that i single out in particular, i admit, is one of my favorites!

Admit and be honest with me, how many of you remember this song?

Thursday 28 March 2024


 Everyone considered her a great refresher on the music scene. Interesting, cheerful, specific. Yes, some new, singable wave. And of course, everything new got attention! Every song of hers, single or whole album, was well covered by the media and yes, albums were full of hits. Let's recall one of them . . .

Jennifer Rush

 Simply - a beauty! And if i'm blonde, i've never had a problem complimenting a pretty girl or woman. Each of us is beautiful in our own way. So, for this singer, i think she was one of the most beautiful! Now, after so many years, when one of her songs is played, we realize that they are still listenable to this day and raise the mood to an enviable level.

As always, this is one of my favorites, my pick among a lot of  her wonderful songs. . .

Bryan Adams

 This guy is adorable!The famous summer he sings about is still heard today.

Every song he recorded, because of his voice, is for me - a complete hit!

I rate this one as one of my favorite that he recorded.

Let's listen to this song, after a long time, together . . .


 When this video appeared, most people were looking at the singer . . . the song unjustifiably " fell into the background ". Joke on side, yesterday i played it, as always loudly and thought: why we dont have , this days and years, that kind of stars like she was? There no stars like she was. Yes, real stars in the world of music! Those who are versatile personalities, indeed. Without  lies of their music agents and marketing.

In those years, back then, a star was - a star. And she stayed!

Tuesday 26 March 2024


 If any of us could, i'm convinced, we would bring back the time when this song was number one everywhere! Those were the times when the Sun was our friend, when we loved summer and time when were free, without fear, walking on the beaches and worshiping every sunset and new day that comes.

Is it like that now? I am not sure . . . at all!

Monday 25 March 2024


 There is no person who has not heard this song! I refuse to believe in  it! As yo yourself have seen, iI post songs that, simply, i adore, i love, i listen to all the time. . .  now that some may have forgotten . It is precisely for this reason that we all are here, together, to save from oblivion the songs that have gone into legend. . . This is one of those that ourssongs, which i put with a big a reason! No matter of what, we must fight! In love, life, friendship, work, progress. . . Always! No giving up! Either you will be a tiger, or a prey! It's easy to decide, isn't it! 

PM Dawn

 Colors, sound, guys who brought positive and great energy. . . I can't imagine, how is every summer not painted with the colors of this song? I still think this is the "anthem of the summer".

Listen to this song. . .it "works" so well . . .

The Bangles

 Wonderful girls. . . every new single was amazing! They never didn't make a mistakes! At that time, all  was  waiting to see what they would do next. The famous song about " Egyptian dance moves", has taken  attention all ower  the planet . And today, often, when the tourist presentation of Egyptian tourism is made, the well-known song of these sweet girls, plays in the background.

From all the songs, i am choosing the one, which, in my opinion, is great even for this "modern age"!

Was (Not Was)

 What to say about this song? What can we say about this guys that makes sound that makes you wake up from the deepest sleep! This song, dear God! I  can't describe my feelings to you! That rhythm! If you didn't want play this song loud, you stole half of its power! Stuck the speakers to the maximum! That's what this song is asking for!


 Another blonde whose hit i fondly remember. Great message in this song! Of course, no matter what happens to us in life - go ahead, to the top!

The only way to get to the top is:first of all,  faith in God, hope for a better tomorrow, self-respect and that's our way to the top !!

Saturday 23 March 2024

Phil Collins

 Singer and actor. Great combination! The songs with which he made dizzying ascents on the charts. So many hits that i even don't know which one to put first as a "guiding star" at the head of the list of great titles! Let it be, for now, a song that carries a strong message! Did at least one of us, think of this song? Do any of us feel the power of these verses? I wonder . . .

George Michael

 Maybe some of you don't know (but i doubt it), this guy was originally Greek. His songs, appearance, way of singing, movements on stage - were specific. His life, in itself, as well as his songs, were not simple.

We all remember well, the famous video with the beautiful model, from song about  "fatherly figura". A brilliantly done, small, almost cinematic story. His video, with the song "Freedom", entered the history of music visualization.


 Every time when it rains, i want to hear this song. Unfortunately, the rain is falling less and less, and this song, ( along with it ), is slowly being forgotten. I won't let it stay like that. Always, even when i don't hear the rain on the window, i will want this song. . . and yes, i will play it very loud. . . to be heard far away, down to the next street . . .

Bonnie Tyler

 The blonde who, ( in her time ), created chaos on the stage! Her voice, specific "color", gave each song a special stamp. Her famous song has been used for years for advertising purposes, all over the world, without exception. The message that this song carries is every woman's dream. That's why this song lasts to this day. Yes, it is still a hit and will remain so!

Richard Marx

 A singer who instantly awakens the finest feelings in the listener. A voice full of warmth, full of emotions. This song has been in the top positions of the charts for a long, long time. Needless to say, to this day, this song takes the top spot when someone asks me "what's your favorite song"?

The answer is clear . . .

The Neville Brothers

 Great song! I single it out (like the others before ) ,as one of my favorites. A historical moment that changed a lot in our society. That's exactly what the great group sings about in this song. A few minutes for a big social event .

Thursday 21 March 2024


 Another one review of cinematic music and those wonderful, old years, when everyone could dream and make their dreams come true. . .

I don't know about you, but the wonderful Tom Cruise is at his best edition in this movie ( Top Gun ) .He is so cute! Also, i must  to admit, his beautiful, blonde partner was also a object of sighs. Just like the songs that accompanied this film, each one, individually, became a hit that we still remember today . . .

Irene Cara

 Even those owners with "two left feet", who were deprived of any sense of rhythm, played as if possessed! There is no person who did not want to learn at least one dance step. How many people watched that movie! How many girls were crazy about the main actor, but also about the beautiful actress who remained synonymous with "sweet girl from the area". I'm always happy to listen these songs,  single one of them, i like in particular . . .

Freddie Mercury

 Special, own, unique, unrepeatable, wonderful, intelligent. Born to be a leader in the world of show business, a visionary. No matter how many nice words i ask for him - it's not enough.

The man, who i believe, left an indelible mark on music, with his style, appearance and songs, wrote music history . . .

Tina Turner

 In my opinion, in a way, this woman was a legend even while she was alive. Her voice, that specific "color", rarely appears among singers. A long career, fate and life, which were not quite as bright as her life in front of the cameras, intrigues even today.

Each of her songs has "that something". My favorite is ,certainly, the one where he talks about "that one" , special and best of all. . .

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Lisa Stansfield

 A strange phenomenon! No girl wanted to have hair like her! No girl wanted to have such short hair, but . . . in a way, they were all captivated by the new singer who told the whole world that, no matter what, she will would find her beloved.

When the song came out, long time ago, it immediately became number one on all the charts.

It is still sung today in clubs that keep up to their reputation . . .

Whitney Houston

 Yes. She was someone who took her musical steps as a young girl. She learned a lot from her mother. Music was in her genes. A love for music, a voice that resembled the voice of an angel. She made all of us who listened to her, in some way, happier and better people. Sometimes, i simply refuse to admit that she is no longer with us.

I am sure of one thing: she is now singing with the angels . . .

De La Soul

 These are the guys who raised the music to another, more cheerful, maybe "colorful" level. This kind of music was a favorite! Each of us tried, throughout the night, to sing each of their verses without mistakes. A fun group of guys who, over time and with each new song, taught even older people to dance to their notes. That was so good to see!

Alannah Myles

 This girl was every man's dream. Her appearance did not leave anyone indifferent to her. A girl from the village, has sangd a song that i love alot. I sing it even now, every time I drive, I let the song go. . . several times in a row. Great notes maked into a wonderful song . . .


 Every girl was in love with them! The one who says that she is not - she is lying! We know very well how with their looks and great songs, they made the girls learn every verse of their songs. Every song that was released, ( even the singles ), became hits overnight. Hits , that good connoisseurs of music still sing today!

Paola Abdoul

 Professional dancer. A vocal that has something special. Always different. In that era, when music visualization was at its peak, she pioneered certain special effects associated with music. Maybe, the first, ( or among the first ), who realized that the song needs good "packaging". She succeeded in that, without any doubt!


 Without exaggeration: one and only! Madonna! It is enough to say that nickname (artistic name) and the whole planet, knows who he is! Her appearance with the song "Holiday", marked the beginning of a new era in music: a  unrepeatable star was born! Everything else, until today, is part of musical history . . .

Michel Jackson

 This guy appeared once in the musical sky and, among all the stars, became one of the brightest! His famous "walk on the Moon" , has entered the annals of dance choreographies! A special movement, as specific as it was, has remained unique and unrepeatable to this day. The question is: will this guy ever get a successor on the stage or will he simply remain  - a legend!

Tanita Tikaram

 Beautiful girl . . . a wonderful, unusual voice. I remember, when this song came out, the video that accompanied this track was unusual for the time. It didn't have much color, you have to admit, but the song remains a hit to this day. A beautiful singer with an unforgettable song. . .

MC Hammer

 Can anyone forget this guy? No way! After so many years, i can bet with you, anyone who hears this song , gets the urge to dance! Not half as good as him, but what matters, is the will and the effect this song causes even in 2024! Is not it?

Sam Brown

 Only later, i heard about the expression "sand in the voice". Then, in those long ago years, we all knew she was special. In a special way, with a lot of emotion, she sang a song that, even today, evokes emotion in everyone. And each of us , can devote that song to someone. To someone he loved. . . but in vain. . .

Sinéad O'Connor

 A very strange girl! Her hair! Everyone was surprised! At that time, in those years, in our region, that image was shocking! But , that's why her voice. . . no one can forget.

Unfortunately, she is no longer with us, but her unforgettable hit, her way of singing and her appearance. . . will remain in our memories forever.

Hothouse Flowers

 I can't believe none of you have heard of these awesome guys!? Or you did? A song that, ( even if it doesn't have an optimistic title ) , "breaks" your voice that you can have crazy fun with a great melody.

I remember a boy near my building. . . he really wanted everyone around him to admit that he looked like the singer of this, at that time, very popular group. Unfortunately for that guy, there wasn't even the slightest resemblance. . . but jokes on his expense - yes, that was!

Soul II Soul

 In those years, each of us had to know this song. Simply, it was a rhythm that made the whole body move in a special rhythm. There is no need to explain how, so many years later, I still sing this song without fail!

Ofra Haza

 She was so popular! All of us, was so damn crazy for her! Her unusual jewelry, voice, clothes! First time in our lifes, we heard something like that! She was like some kind of princess of fairytales which we was reading in our books about magic flying carpet . . . 

Now, from this time distanc, every of us feel how much we miss her . . . 

Her unicue voice, amazing beauti . . . 

Let us remember her, thrue her song . . . 

The Police

 Long ago, i remember, the tape recorder and audio cassettes were the greatest treasures we had!Good God! Each of us tried and gave our best , to expand the collection and boast with as many titles as possible. Back then, popular singers and groups that occupied the first places of the music charts were our heroes! Heroes of our time!Memories of one of them, always come back to me, and with joy i remember the song, which i still love madly to this day . . .


 Well my dearest one . . . 

sometimes we need to think twice. About all. About all ina our lifes and about everything in our souls and minds. You see, sometimes, things seems so clear. But . . .  all of sometimes in our lifes, ask themself, what is the truth, where is peace and how to find that a little "cloud of joy".

If yo ask me, in a memories! Yes, you read well . . . 

When we look back in perid of young age, or our childhood, i am sure, on a first place, some wonderful day, gift or someones smile, we will, immediately , conected that with song!

Em i right?

Song, in fact  music, is a first asociation on all our memories!

I admitt, some of them was bad, some good but mostly of them,  bring us back in state of joy.

Lets get start! Together! 

Traveling to the some memories whic they strat in one forgetten street . . . 

Dušica M. Ognjanović